If you can follow cave art, you can grow your own green!

Ever thought about growing your own herb but felt overwhelmed by the process? Worry no more! Our "Learn to Grow" page is makes it as simple as following cave art.

With a super simple grow guide, step-by-step videos, troubleshooting guide, and 1-on-1 grow support we provide you with grow success, not just a bunch of grow equipment:

  1. Grow guide: Who has time to read? Not me! That's why our grow guide has pictures describing our simplified growing approach customized to our kit so that anyone can be successful with herbs in hand after about 12 weeks.
  2. Step-by-step videos: Watch our short-form videos for a quick run-down of each grow step. Easy-peasy! Ready. Set. Scroll.
  3. Troubleshooting guide: This is where you'll find the answers to some more technical grow instructions. Especially what to do if you find pests 🐛🦗 oh no!
  4. One-on-one grow support: If there's something you're still unsure about and worried your baby might be in danger, just DM us on WhatsApp! Our number is on the grow guide included with every kit. We're here to make sure you grow your herbs stress-free and to success

      Grow Guide

      1. Prep cult. cup & water

      Starting a seed can be intimidating, but don't worry - we got you.

      Simply place your little seed in the right environment, keep her damp (and neither wet nor dry) and you'll have a baby little seedling in no time.

      2. Transplant your seedling & Prep the light, fan, and timer

      After two weeks your seedling grown her taproots, and it's time to move her to her final home!

      See how to prep your fabric pot, mix your soil and live soil, water, and transplant your seedling right into the live soil - pot and all.

      Then you'll see how to set your light, outlet timer, and fan so your plant can live her best life!

      3. How to water

      These watering do's and don'ts will set you right! Water is essential for your plant to grow big and healthy!

      But don't kill your microbes!

      You need to use dechlorinated water to ensure the live soil stays, well, alive. Hint: leave tap water out for 12-24 hours and you get dechlorinated water.

      4. How to Harvest

      So your trichomes are milky with a few amber collored, pistels are brown and it's time to harvest? Stoked!

      Here's the 4 easy steps to a harvest that will leave your green glowing with flavor.

      Just think: 5 more days and I can finally taste it!

      5. How to Trim, Weigh, Store & Cure

      The final steps to know when your bud is dry enough, how to trim it, weigh it, cure it for taste, and store it for longevity.

      6. How to make infused c@nn@bütter

      Use your scraps or newly dried bud to infuse any oil or fat-based liquid and try a fun new way to use your harvest!

      Troubleshooting Guide